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Hi, I'm Edwin

Fullstack Developer

I enjoy making exciting web applications.


jobly frontpage

A job board app that lets users view a list of jobs and companies | React, Express, Node, Jest, PostgreSQL

Demo Github

A twitter clone with features such as "following" other users and "liking" posts | Flask, WTForms, PostgreSQL, Jinja

Demo Github

A simple Pokémon card game | React, Bootstrap

Demo Github

About Me

I'm a curious and active problem solver. I enjoy asking questions, and I'm driven by the opportunity to learn something new everyday.

In my past career as an accountant, I was often tasked with coming up with solutions to financial issues and maintaining organized processes. However, I had a deeper desire to develop my creative and critical thinking skills. After months of looking into other career avenues and meddling with resources like FreeCodeCamp, I decided to take the leap. I quit my job and began studying full-time, which led me to enrolling in Rithm School's coding bootcamp and where I am today. I look forward to further exploring the fascinating world of software engineering!



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python icon postgreSQl icon flask icon node icon aws icon